Saturday, March 29, 2008

The illusion of moving beyond

Achieving global inclusion and understanding diversity is a journey and not an end point.
Nowhere was this more evident than in the recent USA Election Primary Season. Race, Gender, Age, Religion, Culture, Ethnicity were very much present in the day to day discussions between the candidates, the supporters and the media. Candidates have spent time and money persuading us to vote for them and while we want them to talk about issues, THE ISSUE, keeps tripping them up. Corporations have spent millions of dollars doing diversity work and yet the issues persist; resentments, prejudice, biases are alive and not well. Leakage will always occur when unresolved issues are living under the surface.

The answer is both simple and at the same time complex and challenging. What we resist persists. While we have done much to make progress with global inclusion and diversity, we have not done enough. We need to ensure that we are having real and authentic conversations about all of these difficult topics. Power Point slides, talking heads and training videos can only go so far. What we need is to be able to really talk to each other, and more importantly, hear each other by listening openly with non judgmental ears.

Human Facets uses an experiential design process that is uniquely designed to allow people to have authentic conversation and to walk away with multiple aha moments that they can use immediately.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Diversity Challenge - an innovative new approach

Are you looking for something new and innovative to introduce to your employees and your leadership team? Something that will put a twinkle in their eyes, add fun and a competitive edge to their work on diversity and inclusion? Stop them from saying "we've already done diversity"!

I was in Sydney, Australia in July 2007 and found the best product I have ever seen on Diversity and Inclusion. It is really well done; well researched and always kept up to date. It provides Diversity Managers with all of the tools they need to inspire involvement and change in their organization. What is this product?

It is "The Diversity Challenge" and I am the USA and UK representative for this product. If you would like to be on the leading edge of diversity change and implementation and want to know more, please email me at and I will be happy to provide you with a brochure and set up a web conference demo. You will not be disappointed.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Engaging White Women

Have you ever wondered if there is a hierarchy of biases? Do you think there are groups that find it easier to communicate with each other and groups that think there is little hope of authentic conversation and clear understanding? Do you sometimes wonder how people can be so blind to the issues?

I recently facilitated a wonderful workshop called "Engaging White Women". The workshop was designed to improve understanding between white women and Women of Color, particularly between Black and White women. We had an amazing experience together and one of the things we discussed was that the tensions between black and white women goes pretty much unnoticed in Corporate America (expect by the women directly affected, and in particular, by black women). Why is that? White women who choose to get involved in diversity believe they are doing their best to work on the issues; however black women see them as the "new gatekeepers".

If you would like to learn more about this topic and have an interest in creating authentic conversations that move the global inclusion and diversity conversation forward, then contact me at